
Writing discussion

  • 3 Articles
Writing Discussions in the Book of Ruth, Chapter 3

Writing Discussions in the Book of Ruth, Chapter 3

How strange that Christians never searched for the question: How did this direct speech in the Bible come to us, as a truly once spoken word?

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By Ben van Noort, August 31, 2019
Writing Discussions in the Book of Ruth, Chapter 2

Writing Discussions in the Book of Ruth, Chapter 2

New examples of writing discussions, between Ruth and Naomi, and also between Ruth and Boaz.

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By Ben van Noort, August 21, 2019
Writing Discussions in the Book of Ruth, Chapter 1

Writing Discussions in the Book of Ruth, Chapter 1

The documentation theory seems to be a line of demarcation between rational and irrational Christianity. Let’s have a look.

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By Ben van Noort, August 4, 2019